Public Relations

How to Utilize Surveys

How to Utilize Surveys

In the previous article in this series (How Not To Fall Off A Cliff: Surveys In Today’s World), we covered two correct application of the concepts as laid out in L. RON HUBBARD’S ARTICLE OF 2 SEPTEMBER 1979, SURVEYS ARE THE KEY TO STATS. “To find out what people want...

How to Create a Power Brand

How to Create a Power Brand

This is the subsequent article to the previously-released “The Making of a Power Brand.” In that article we highlighted a very popular brand, Starbucks, and discussed the indispensable mode of operation that its founder and CEO, Howard Schultz, had to use in order to...

The Making of a Power Brand

The Making of a Power Brand

The simple reason Benjamin Franklin’s famous quote, “The bitterness of low quality remains long after the sweetness of low price is forgotten,” has been carried so far through time in our collective consciousness is that it’s an unassailable truth. Nonetheless, it...

Goodwill—How and Why to Use It

Goodwill—How and Why to Use It

In a previous article titled “Too Big to Care: Water, Water Everywhere and Not Enough to Steal”, we wrote about the plight of the residents of California, both human and wildlife, becoming increasingly desperate as they endure a long-term drought, this year being...

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