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The Interruption Industry

The Interruption Industry

Productivity Killers and Distractions in the Workplace There are two types of people in the world, those that finish things and… I’m sorry, I just got a text message, where were we? Getting people to arrive to work is not a major concern for most businesses these...

How to Create a Power Brand

How to Create a Power Brand

This is the subsequent article to the previously-released “The Making of a Power Brand.” In that article we highlighted a very popular brand, Starbucks, and discussed the indispensable mode of operation that its founder and CEO, Howard Schultz, had to use in order to...

The Making of a Power Brand

The Making of a Power Brand

The simple reason Benjamin Franklin’s famous quote, “The bitterness of low quality remains long after the sweetness of low price is forgotten,” has been carried so far through time in our collective consciousness is that it’s an unassailable truth. Nonetheless, it...

Goodwill—How and Why to Use It

Goodwill—How and Why to Use It

In a previous article titled “Too Big to Care: Water, Water Everywhere and Not Enough to Steal”, we wrote about the plight of the residents of California, both human and wildlife, becoming increasingly desperate as they endure a long-term drought, this year being...

Ghost Towns & Rented Bodies

Ghost Towns & Rented Bodies

There is an unfolding story of SUPPLY and DEMAND in faraway China happening right now that centers around so many new and elegant cities that are standing nearly desolate—except for the foreign people who are “rented” as props to add an air of international life and...

Office Clutter, Income Cutter

Office Clutter, Income Cutter

Believe it or not, there is a direct, undeniable, absolute correlation to the level of income in your workplace with the level of cleanliness and presentation of the company staff and its quarters. It’s true. In fact it is so true, that you can increase your income by...

How to Avoid Company Amnesia

How to Avoid Company Amnesia

An informal survey of your company staff may likely find that the subject of creating and maintaining files does not meet the same kind of enthusiasm that you might expect for say, a company business trip in the Bahamas. Regardless, files need to become your company’s...

The Right Way to Handle a Slump

The Right Way to Handle a Slump

There is a very specific sequence of actions any business owner must take when they encounter a slump.  Failure to do so may result in lost business which is never regained.  I have personally seen years of hard work to build a business up to new high ranges...

Training—The Path To Success

Training—The Path To Success

Over the last quarter of a century as the CEO of Sterling Management Systems, I have seen hundreds of thousands of people introduced to the Hubbard Administrative Technology. I’ve even proudly received an award from WISE International for my work over the decades....

Three Ways To Get It All Wrong

Three Ways To Get It All Wrong

A multinational software company with headquarters outside the US had an office in Los Angeles to manage its US operations. The US operations had been insolvent for the vast majority of 8 years and the company had won barely any market share during this time. Its top...

Are You Getting Things Done In A Proper Sequence?

Are You Getting Things Done In A Proper Sequence?

In the 30 plus years I have spent as a management consultant, using only the training I received as a young man in the Hubbard Management System, I have stepped into a wide variety of companies of all shapes and sizes and in all parts of the world. And I continue to...

Wrong Solution? Maybe It’s the Wrong Problem!

Wrong Solution? Maybe It’s the Wrong Problem!

So your sales have been dwindling and you’re on your third sales manager and a couple of new salespeople and no matter how much you have pleaded and pressured or scolded and threatened, sales continues its frightening trend and lackluster range. You’ve racked your...

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